Doctors attached man’s leg upside down, there was difficulty in walking, he started thinking of himself as a ghost

Doctors attached man’s leg upside down, there was difficulty in walking, he started thinking of himself as a ghost

Doctors are called the God of the earth in the world. The reason for this is clear. The way God creates a human being and sends it to the world, in the same way doctors save people who are on the verge of dying on this earth. You must have heard about many medical miracles. Doctors do all these miracles. On the basis of years of education and medical experience, doctors handle such cases, after knowing which one is only surprised. One such medical case had come to the fore of a footballer.

Ibrahim Abdulrauf was injured during a football match. When he was taken to the doctor, it was found that he had bone cancer. After this, the doctors cut his leg from the middle and joined the lower part upside down. Ibrahim’s life was saved after this surgery, but now he has to walk with the opposite foot. When this surgery was done, Ibrahim was 14 years old. Now after so many years his life has been saved. But even today he is known as a person with opposite feet.

it was a tough time
Regarding his surgery, Abdul told that that period was very difficult. Abdul got hurt while playing a football match. After this he started having a lot of pain. He was admitted to Heartlands Hospital in Birmingham the next day where it was found that he had an unknown infection. After this he spent six weeks in the hospital. After several investigations, it was understood that Abdul actually had bone cancer. The way the doctors told to treat this cancer was very rare.

glad to have saved a life

Had to join inverted legs
In the rare method prescribed for this surgery, the doctors had to join Ibrahim’s legs in reverse. The middle part of his leg had to be amputated and the lower leg was stitched upside down. Ibrahim, who is now 22 years old, told that after his surgery, when he removed the sheet, his mind went numb. When he was admitted then he had legs but now he has opposite legs. He was starting to think of himself as a ghost. However, he thanks the doctors for saving his life.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Good news, Weird news

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